Vision and values
Our vision is to ensure all tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand are in loving whānau and communities where oranga tamariki can be upheld.
Our vision
All children are safe, loved and nurtured by whānau, hapū, and iwi, supported by thriving communities.
Our beginning
The origin of the Oranga Tamariki vision is partnership. The first part of the vision is the landmark 1988 report Puao-te-Ata-tu, which examined issues of racism and inequity within the-then Department of Social Welfare. The second part is the 2015 Expert Advisory Panel report, convened to propose a way to execute a fundamentally different way of doing things. Together, they called for a commitment to deliver on our obligations under te Tiriti o Waitangi and to create outcomes that all New Zealand tamariki deserved, while reducing the disparities experienced by tamariki Māori.
The Ministry would be equipped with the legislation, resources, policies, practices and remit that it needed to do what Child, Youth and Family had never been set up for – intervening earlier, supporting whānau to stay together and breaking intergenerational cycles.
The scale of change that was and is needed, requires us to work broadly across the sector; including with whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations, caregiving whānau, NGOs and other Government agencies involved in the oranga of tamariki.
Our values

We will challenge when things aren’t right for te tamaiti.

It keeps us focused on what is right.

We listen, we don’t assume, and we create solutions with others.

We do what we say we’ll do.

Tamariki are part of a whānau and a community.

We understand the long-term impact of our actions today.
These values were developed by Te Whānau Aroha, the Youth Advisory Panel, and gifted to Oranga Tamariki— Ministry for Children. Everyone that works at Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children is encouraged to bring these values into their day-to-day work.
Our name
Our full name is Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children.
'Oranga' is the wellbeing we want to help the children we work with to have.
'Tamariki' reminds us that children are descended from greatness. They are born with an inherent mana that can be damaged by abuse and neglect.
Published: November 16, 2023