About our research

Published: March 26, 2018 · Updated: February 16, 2024

Find out about how we work, and read our quarterly newsletters. 

We will:

  • drive research strategy that is aligned and focused on priority areas
  • build evaluation skills within our own organisation
  • commission, monitor and undertake evaluations
  • provide insights from operational, population and wellbeing data.

We take research participants’ privacy, information security and confidentiality seriously. Read our statement – written for people taking online surveys conducted by Oranga Tamariki:

Contact the Social Impact and Research team: research@ot.govt.nz

What we do

We collaborate and share our research widely

We host regular seminars that showcase research for those working in areas that impact Aotearoa New Zealand’s tamariki and whānau.

We partner with other social sector agencies to present topical research and thinking.

Read our latest research articles

Go to our research seminars page

We work across cultures, in partnership and we value the voice of te tamaiti 

Our research is informed by a Te Ao Māori worldview, and we operate in a way that respects the full range of knowledge sources. We work with partner organisations who are close to our communities and we strive to hold our tamariki at the centre of our thinking.

We are leaders in child-centred research

Developing the wellbeing model gives us a population-level view of how tamariki are doing and who is in need. We have a cross-sector leadership role in understanding what works for New Zealand’s tamariki and whānau and in what context.