Whakatakapokai has been designed from a Maaori centred approach to deliver unique services within the Youth Justice residential network.
About the residence
Whakatakapokai is situated on whenua sacred to Waikato-Tainui and the service has been co-designed in partnership with tangata whenua. Whakatakapokai is committed to the inclusion of mana whenua in service decisions and to upholding the tikanga and kawa of Waikato-Tainui.
Whakatakapokai is part of a well-established and diverse network of residential services for rangatahi in youth justice and offers a different approach for rangatahi and whaanau. Located in Weymouth, the team provides care and support for up to 15 rangatahi who are before the Youth Court, or in limited cases the adult courts.
Whakatakapokai was officially opened on 12 Āperira 2021, and received its first placements in Hurae 2021.
Care Services continue to be offered from a different facility on the same site.
Whakatakapokai wraps around rangatahi and whaanau
Whakatakapokai focusses on safe, therapeutic, and secure accommodation for rangatahi especially waahine (wāhine) and taane (tāne) with complex needs, for example neurodisabilities or congenital conditions.
Limitations on our service
Whakatakapokai is subject to a range of conditions under the Resource Management Act designation for the site. The kaiwhakahaere (Residence Manager) and Manager of Care Services are responsible for annual reporting that demonstrates the residence is compliant with certain requirements.
The designation for the site can be viewed here:
3800 Care and Protection Centre - Upper North Whakatakapokai Conditions (aucklandcouncil.govt.nz)

A unique service
We are delivering on the intention to provide a different kind of service at Whakatakapokai in the following ways:
- Services for rangatahi and whaanau reflect the kaupapa and tikanga that underpin Whakatakapokai, including culturally appropriate reception and departure processes and a greater level of community and whaanau engagement.
- Appropriate spaces for whaanau engagement, hui-a-whaanau, Family Group Conferences and Hui Whakapiri.
- Education and health services incorporate mātauranga Maaori and concepts of hauora, tikanga, kawa, whakapapa and mauri ora.
- A Tangata Whenua Komiti and kaumaatua support operational planning, strategic planning, and community engagement.
- Maaori-centred approaches including Whakamana Tangata, a relational way of being developed specifically for youth justice residences.
- The organisational structure supports collaborative rather than hierarchical decision making that improves access to services for rangatahi.
- Environmental features include a whaanau area, native plantings, maara kai (food gardens) and maara rongoa (medicinal gardens).
- A bespoke assessment process that acknowledges the importance of relationships. Placement decisions are made in consultation with rangatahi, whaanau, kaimahi and professionals involved in their care.
Part of a thriving community
In acknowledgement of our location within a residential area, the Youth Justice team has focused on promoting positive relationships within the local Weymouth and Manurewa community.
There are several mechanisms for the local community to stay connected with the residence activities.
Neighbourhood Forum
The Neighbourhood Forum is a way for us to better connect with our community. This forum provides opportunities for local residents to be better informed on the activities of the site and to provide comments and feedback to us. These Forum can be different events, like ‘open days’, or other events that the community tell us they would like to hold. The first Neighbourhood Forum event was held in Hanuere 2021.
The Neighbourhood Forum is not ‘membership’ based and is open for all interested residents to be part of. If you wish to receive information about the Neighbourhood Forum a register is held by the Whakatakapokai Youth Justice team. Please contact them directly to be added to the register.
Community Liaison Committee
The Community Liaison Committee is another mechanism for ensuring community involvement and contribution to the operation of the site. Whakatakapokai is actively operating a Community Liaison Committee established in accordance with the Oranga Tamariki (Residential Care Regulations) 1996. A list of current members is held by the Whakatakapokai Youth Justice team.
Notification List
The Notification List is a list of tāngata from the local community who want to be contacted in the event of an abscondence from the Youth Justice facility. The list is maintained by the kaiwhakahaere.
Contact the residence
The waea number and email address for contacting the residence to report any concerns or ask questions:
Telephone: 09 917 5430
Email: enquiries_WTPYJ@ot.govt.nz
This number is staffed between normal office hours Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. After Hours, this number is redirected to the Communications Room, which is staffed 24/7. The email address is monitored during normal office hours.
Feedback and complaints
Members of the community who wish to raise a concern about the operation of the residence are encouraged do so directly with the team, through the Community Liaison Committee or at a Neighbourhood Forum event. However, you may also:
- Phone the Oranga Tamariki National Contact Centre on (free phone) 0508 326 459 (available 24/7)
- Log a complaint using our Feedback form online
- Write to us at Oranga Tamariki National Office, PO Box 546, Wellington.
There are distinct internal processes that apply to complaints made by tamariki and rangatahi admitted to Whakatakapokai and their whānau as well as other professionals. If you are a rangatahi or whaanau member (or professional) who wants to make a complaint about your care or the care of someone else you should have already received information about this process. If you have not received this information please contact the Whakatakapokai team directly at enquiries_WTPYJ@ot.govt.nz.
Note: Waikato-Tainui tikanga and kawa includes the use of double vowels in words instead of macrons.

Published: November 14, 2023